

Storm Shelters: Top 4 Things You Need to Know

Published January 26th, 2024 by Old Country Building Sales

Unpredictable weather patterns in Oklahoma can quickly turn calm skies into raging storms. Are you prepared?

Storm shelters play a critical role in the safety and well-being of you and your household during severe weather events. If you're considering building a shelter, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Take a minute and explore four things you should know before installing a storm shelter on your property.

1. Types of Storm Shelters

Storm shelters are not one-size-fits-all, and understanding your options will help make it easier to choose the right shelter for your needs. In Oklahoma, you'll find the following types of storm shelters

Underground Storm Shelters

Underground shelters offer discreet protection. They blend seamlessly into your surroundings. 

Above-Ground Shelters

This type of shelter provides quick and convenient access. Many homeowners position an above-ground storm shelter close to home.

Safe Rooms

Safe rooms, designed to withstand extreme weather events, are versatile options. You can integrate a safe room into an existing structure where it can serve as a multi-functional space.

Choosing the right shelter is a personal decision. While your small pets can fit into any of the above storm shelters, larger animals such as horses, need a separate shelter or shed

2. Structural Integrity and Materials in Storm Shelters

When evaluating storm shelters, focus on robust structural integrity and quality materials. Choose shelters constructed with durable materials, such as reinforced steel or concrete. You'll want a shelter that can withstand the most severe weather conditions. 

Rigorous testing and adherence to industry standards ensure the shelter's reliability in the face of storms.

Consider features like corrosion-resistant components and anchoring systems. Both play vital roles in maintaining structural stability over time.

Prioritize shelters with FEMA certification. It guarantees they meet the stringent standards set for storm shelter construction.

By prioritizing these factors, you invest in a shelter that not only withstands the storm but stands the test of time.

3. Tailoring Size for Safety

Consider the size of your family when selecting a storm shelter. Make sure there's enough space for every member. A well-sized shelter promotes a sense of security and unity during an emergency.

Beyond just fitting your family, think about the supplies you'll need. Your storm shelter should have ample space to store essential items, including:

  • Water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Medical supplies

Take into account the needs of every family member, including those with disabilities. By selecting the right-sized storm shelter, you invest in the well-being and comfort of every member of your household.

4. Storm Shelters and Maintenance

Investing in a new storm shelter is an investment in your household's safety.  A routine maintenance plan is essential. Here's what it should include:

  • Regular inspections
  • Cleaning and ventilation
  • Testing emergency features 
  • Seal and weatherproofing checks 

Consider scheduling periodic professional maintenance checks as an extra layer of assurance.

Let Us Help You Plan Your New Storm Shelter

Your family's safety is your top priority. Planning and constructing a storm shelter to meet your specific needs ensures you're not only enduring storms but facing them with confidence.

Team up with Old Country Building Sales. Customers in Oklahoma, Northern Texas, and Arkansas trust us to install storm shelters, tiny homes, pole barns, and portable buildings.

Schedule an appointment today and let's keep your family safe.

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